Sunday, March 20, 2011

Destroying iPad 2 in slow motion.

There are certain events that take place like ritual after each launch of iPhone or iPad, It's precisely what we are seeing following the presentation of iPad 2 earlier this month. Comparatives, unpacking and our friend from the blender. Were you missing something? Of course, the video of an iPad 2 destroyed with bullets.

5 comentarios:

JaksonHunt said...

I can die a happy man now. Thank you.

HurdyG said...

That's pretty freaking awesome...

PenDRaGoN said...

a waste of money, but the watermoellon shot was great

Alpha said...

Seems to happen with every release of a highly-anticipated electronic media device.

Patti D. said...

I don't see the point, to be honest.

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